Hello World! I'm
Gabriel Hoff.
I'm a Software Engineer.
I'm a dedicated, proficient, remote full-stack software engineer. I'm passionate about problem-solving and building high-quality applications.
About Me
Hey there! I'm Gabriel, a very dedicated and proficient remote full-stack software engineer and technical leader, based in Novo Hamburgo, Brazil .
I'm passionate about problem-solving, building high-quality applications and working on top of Agile principles.
Having almost 10 years of experience with both back end and front end development, I worked from maintaining a legacy Java/JSF application, with more than 20GB of organ transplant data, to building modern web applications using Node.js and React for managing telematics data from 40.000+ vehicles.
What I do?
Technical Skills
- Java
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Express
- AngularJS
- Git
- Jenkins
- Agile
- Scrum
- Pair-programming
- React
- Redux
- Angular 7
- Grunt
- Gulp
- Webpack
- Spring
- Hibernate
- EclipseLink
- Serveless
- Lambda
- API Gateway
- EC2
- S3
- CloudFront
- Python
- Gatsby
- Elasticsearch
- Redis
- RabbitMQ
- Docker
- Sass
- CSS-in-JS
Work Experience
Mar 2020 - Now
Full-Stack Developer @ Truelogic Software
- Contributed to building the Identity Provider system of an LMS company, which aimed to centralize the user identities spread across 10+ products.
- Worked adding features to several React web apps and Java/Spring APIs running in serverless environments.
- Had the opportunity to work with a large set of AWS services, such as Lambda, API Gateway, Cognito, Secrets, SQS, SNS, DynamoDB, S3, CloudFront, among others.
- Managed AWS resources using the concept of Infrastructure as Code, by having environments fully managed by Terraform.
Jan 2015 - Now
Co-Founder @ CodeSociety
- Managed a technical team of 4 developers and handled our clients' software architecture.
- Improved 5+ Java, PHP, and JavaScript applications of 3 clients from completely different areas.
- Cooperated to teach our clients how software is built, cultivating the Agile culture within those companies.
- Provided technical consulting services for other companies.
Sep 2018 - Aug 2020
Full-Stack Developer @ Z3 Works
- Responsible for working on 5 different products and 13+ applications built with different technologies such as JavaScript, Node.js, Express, React, Redux, AngularJS, Gulp, and Webpack.
- Collaborated on applications that handled telematics data from 40,000+ vehicles using Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ, and SQS.
- Engaged in a team of 10+ people, managed using Scrum practices and Git/GitHub for version control.
- Begin to move applications to run inside Docker containers.
Oct 2015 - May 2020
Full-Stack Developer & Technical Leader @ Igen/AFIP
- Worked on a legacy Java/JSF/JPA/EclipseLink application for managing an SQL Server database with 20GB+ of organ transplant data.
- Improved the technology by moving to a Java/Spring REST API and an Angular 7 web application.
- Guided and worked as Scrum Master on a team of 4 people and adopted TDD, integration tests, pair-programming, code review, and other practices to ensure code quality.
- Introduced DevOps practices by implementing continuous integration using Jenkins.
Jan 2015 - Oct 2015
Full-Stack Software Developer @ Quefo.me
- Responsible for fully designing and building the REST API and web app using different technologies such as Java, Spring, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, Node.js, AngularJS, Grunt, and Redis.
- Delivered the MVP implementation in less than 3 months.
- Set up a self scalable production environment on Amazon Web Services using EC2, ELB, and CloudFront.
- Actively contributed to the MVP, backlog, and product roadmap.
- Went out to sell the product for fast-food delivery establishments (not a technical achievement, but I'm really proud of myself for doing it).
Mar 2012 - January 2015
Full-Stack Developer @ I360 Technology
- Helped building the REST API and the web application for handling 10,000+ SMS messages a day using Java, JAX-RS, Hibernate, RabbitMQ, PostgresSQL, NodeJS, AngularJS, and Grunt.
- Led the development of a PHP/CakePHP/MySQL billing application MVP, delivered in less than 3 weeks.
- Automatized almost the billing process and the remote activation of 100+ clients' equipment, distributed across 5+ different cities.
- Implemented custom Freeswitch modules to authenticate and bill phone calls using Python and C.
- Introduced version control to all projects and team members using Git.
- Adopted iterations, backlogs, planning and review sessions, TDD, pair-programming, and other Agile and code quality practices.
Oct 2010 - March 2012
Software Developer @ SystemHaus
- Responsible for collaborating on a Java, Swing/AWT, and Hibernate desktop application used by 30+ companies from 10+ different countries.
- Single-handed implemented the data migration of a client's legacy software using TDD and OOP concepts.
- Worked with Oracle, SQL Server, and Postgres SQL databases.
- Contributed to a team of 7+ developers.
What's next?
Get In Touch
Reach out to me. Lets discuss about your project and how I might be able to help bringing your ideas into the real world.